On Veterans Day 2017 the Camp completed it’s latest project at the Cohoes Veterans Memorial Park in Cohoes, NY by commissioning and dedicating two monuments. One to SGT. Joseph Leonard and one to the USS Maine. The old Erie Canal stones were provided by the City of Cohoes and through the logistical assistance of the Cohoes Veterans Memorial Committee this grand project came to it’s fruition. Thanks also to Grethen-Cahrenger of Troy, NY and Bro. Tim Mabee for assistance in mounting.
On Veterans Day 2017 the City of Cohoes will be creating a new city wide veterans memorial park. The Camp is Raising Funds to erect a befitting memorial for Sgt. Leonard our camp's namesake. Whatever you can spare we ask you to donate for this effort.
The Camp has commissioned a monument in partnership with the Veterans Memorial Committee of Cohoes in partnership with the City of Cohoes at West End Park which will be unveiled on Veterans Day 2017.
Please Make out your Checks/Money Orders to:
"J.M. Leonard Camp No.168, SSAWV"
CAMP ORDER NO. 1 & 2 Series 2017-2018
Brothers of the Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp #168, Sons of Spanish American War Veterans,
Thank you for placing your trust in me once again in electing me as your President.
I hereby order that, Douglass Mather “Tim” Mabee is hereby appointed Senior Vice President and Trustee 3 year and I shall serve as Trustee 1 Year for the duration of the Camp calendar year.
So Ordered In Freedom, Patriotism and Humanity, Adam W. Gaines, PCP, Camp President Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp No. 168 Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Thursday, April 11th, 2013
Series 2013-2014
Brothers of the Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp #168, Sons of Spanish American War Veterans,
The National Organization has been working for a new Field Flag.
I hereby authorize a camp donation to this important National Project of $100.00.
So ordered.
In Freedom, Patriotism and Humanity,
Adam W. Gaines, PCP, Camp President
Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp No. 168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Tuesday, February 26th, 2013
CAMP ORDER NO. 1 Series 2013-2014
Brothers of the Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp #168, Sons of Spanish American War Veterans, I want to thank you for giving me the honor of being your Camp President for 2012-2013. I hereby make the following Camp Officer appointments: Judge Advocate/Inspector: Dan Meehan Chaplain: Rev. LeRoy Lincoln Historian: Ken Malcolm, PDP, PCP Camp Graves-Monument Registration Officer: Jerome “Jerry” Orton
These Appointments to be assumed immediately. If anyone would like to fill any of the other Camp Offices that are currently available feel free to let me know. You mau email me at gaines_adam@hotmail.com In Freedom, Patriotism, and Humanity, Adam W. Gaines, PCP, Camp President Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168 Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Friday, March 23rd, 2012
Series 2012-2013
Brothers of the Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp #168, Sons of Spanish American War Veterans,
I want to thank you for giving me the honor of being your Camp President for 2012-2013.
I hereby make the following Camp Officer appointments:
Judge Advocate/Inspector: Dan Meehan
Chaplain: Rev. LeRoy Lincoln
Historian: Ken Malcolm, PDP, PCP
Camp Graves Registration Officer: Daryl Verstreate, Jr
Camp Monument Registration Officer: Jerry Orton
These Appointments to be assumed immediately.
If anyone would like to fill any of the other Camp Offices that are currently available feel free to let me know.
You mau email me at gaines_adam@hotmail.com
In Freedom, Patriotism, and Humanity,
Adam W. Gaines, Camp President
Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Congratulations to our New 2012 Camp President
Bro. Adam W. Gaines is Elected our 3rd Camp President for 2012-2013, Congratulations Bro. Gaines
Reubena Hyde Walworth Monument Re-Dedication, April 30th, 2011
The Leonard Camp Participated and Layed a Wreath at the Walworth Monument.
Reubena Hyde Walworth was a Nurse during the Spanish American War
who gave her life in 1898 while caring for soldiers with Typhoid fever.
The Walworth Monument Gravesite is in Saratoga Springs at Greenridge Cemetery
The Re-Dedication was sponsored by the Saratoga Chapter of the DAR.
Saturday, August 15th, 2009 Annual Camp Meeting
Bro. Daryl Verstreate Jr., Elected New Camp President for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011
Brothers Left to Right; Bro. Todd Shillington, Jim Blackwell, Elijah Monroe, and PCP Raymond LeMay
Camp President LeMay in his last act as President Unveils the Recovered USWV Plaque to the Camp
L-Bro. LeMay and Bro. Natl. Secretary O’Bryan at the 2009 National Convention, Fort Mitchell, KY
R-Past Camp President LeMay, Outgoing Past National President hands over the Gavel to Bro. Downey as the New National President
Thursday, July 30th, 2009
As of this Date, effective immediately Bro. James S. Blackwell, is hereby appointed to Camp Sgt. At Arms and Camp Sr. Color Bearer and as a Camp Delegate to the 2009 National Convention at Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky.
Yours in F,P, & H,
Camp President, Raymond W. LeMay III, PNP, PCP
Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Albany USWV Speech, May 3rd, 2009
L-Camp President LeMay, Color Bearer/Sgt. At Arms Blackwell and General National Guard R-President LeMay Gives the Keynote Address on the USS Maine Memorial Monument at the USWV Lot Albany,Ny at GraceLand Cemetery.
Bro. Camp President LeMay, was contacted by Cohoes Middle School and High School Teacher T.J. Keegan on March 18th, 2008. Who was working with his students in doing a writeup of the plackard and gathering information on Historic Cohoes.
The Camp was able to confirm that it is a relic and is working on documenting the plaques history.
Quote under Roosevelt states:
"Aggressive fighting for
the right is the noblest
sport the world affords."
Dedicated to the Americanism of
Theodore Roosevelt
by his comrades of the
United Spanish War Veterans
Department of New York
The metal in this tablet was taken from the battleship
Maine, destroyed in Havana harbor Feb 15, 1898
The Oregon, Olympia, New York and
Brooklyn, it speaks in peace his doctrine
Which those gallant ships thundered in war
One flag, one country
The United States of America
Thos. F. Gannon, Dept Comdr. Chairman
Comdr. James S. Long
Rt. Rev. Mons. John P. Chidwick Dept Chaplain
Comdr. Benjamin Peate
Wm. S. Goodwin Dept. Adjutant
Comdr. Charles S. Lawrence
Bernard J Pierc Dept Quartermaster
Comdr. Peter A Nealis
Maurice Simmons Past Com in Chief
Comdr Francis R Stoddard Jr
Marker reads:
Presented to
Cohoes High School
J. Johnston Camp No. 74 United Spanish War Veterans
June 23, 1928
William Ross, Chairman James Hickey
George W. Andrew Edgar F. Stiles
Thomas C. Collin Charles N. Dole
Clarence Davenport Frank M. Hay
The temporary exhibit was Opened on February 15th, 2008 and was Closed on March 30th, 2008 at the Cohoes Riverspark Visitors Center at the Cohoes Music Hall. The Exhibit is now Located PERMANENTLY at the Watervliet Historical Society Museum, Watervliet, NY.
Local Veterans Group to Gather to Commemorate
110th Anniversary of Sinking Of the U.S.S. Maine
This year of 2008, is the 110th anniversary of the loss of the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor, Cuba on February 15th, 1898. Which thus began the War with Spain a.k.a. the Spanish American War.
(Cohoes Mayor John McDonald presents CP LeMay a Proclamation/Resolution from the City of Cohoes Honoring the Anniversary of the Sinking)
The Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp No.168 of Cohoes of the Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans will convene to commemorate the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine. As well as members of the Watervliet Arsenal Fort No.168 of the Daughters of '98 AUSWV will gather in Cohoes on Saturday, February 16th. At 4 PM at the Canal Square Park in Cohoes there will be a moment of silence and a formal wreath laying at the United Spanish War Veterans Hiker Monument in memory of the sailors lost aboard the U.S.S. Maine. There was one known Cohoesier who was lost aboard the Maine whom was a local sailor by the alias name of John C. Hanrahan who was a Cockswain aboard the Maine. One William C. Hanrahan, USN who was instantly killed when the Maine exploded;
whose name graces the plackard on the monument.
This will be the first Maine Day service to be held in the City in several decades.
(Cohoes Mayor John McDonald and CP LeMay pose after the Camp Wreath Laying)
Following at 5 PM there will be a Camp Business Meeting at the Rivers Park Visitors Center at the Cohoes Music Hall.
At 7 PM there will be a formal unveiling and dedication of a new exhibit entitled
"The 2nd NY and the United Spanish War Veterans" to commemorate "Remember the Maine Day." Which is commemorated every February 15th annually as a Remembrance Day by the Allied Orders of the United Spanish War Veterans and as well at Arlington National Cemetery and at Key West, FL.
Tuesday, July 17th, 2007
CAMP ORDER NO. 6 Camp Dues Increase; Dear Brothers and Candidates, With the need to bolster ourselves financially as a camp. It has been decided by I your Camp President to Officially Raise Dues in the Camp from $13.00 to $15.00. Effective Immediately. Initiation Fee will remain at $10.00. I have also established this Date, our Camp Flag Fund to raise funds for the Purchase of our Camp Colors. As of this Date, the Camp has been able to raise amongst its members $70.00. Yours in F, P, & H, Raymond W. LeMay III, PCP, Camp President Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168 Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Monday, April 9th, 2007
As of this Date, effective immediately Bro. Dan Meehan, is appointed Inspector and Judge Advocate for the Camp.
Yours in F,P, & H,
Raymond W. LeMay III, PCP, Camp President
Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Monday, March 12th, 2007
I do hereby recognize the New York City Outpost and its Sgt. in Command, Thomas Dunn as Camp Organizing Officer/President of the Newly instituted James J. Dunn Brooklyn Camp No.170 which was formally instituted at a camp organizing meeting in Brooklyn,NY on the 8th of March of this year.
Yours in F,P, & H, Raymond W. LeMay III, PCP, Camp President Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168 Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
February 17th, 2007; Appointment and Creation of NYC Outpost.
Dear Brothers,
Whereas there is a interest in forming a NYC Camp of the Sons, i do hereby appoint Brother Thomas Dunn
Sgt. in Command of the Brooklyn, NY Outpost.
To facillitate the eventual formation of a camp for the brothers living in the area.
Whereas, Brother Dunn is hereby appointed Patriotic Instructor for his patriotic interests in the sons
and Brother Kenneth Malcolm(Real Son) to the Honorary Post of Historian for being the oldest known member of the sons since its inception.
Yours in F,P, & H,
Raymond W. LeMay III, Camp President
Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
January 19th, 2007: Appointment and Creation of Camp Outpost
Dear Brothers, In keeping with the Desire to Save the Greater Boston Camp No.119, i issue this General Order No.2 this 19th Day of January, 2007. Whereas, there is a need for a Re-Organizing Officer for the Old Camp, i hereby make the Emergency Appointment to the Camp of New Brother Sean Sweeney to the Office of Jr. Vice President. Whereas there is a desire to reorganize the Camp, and the immediate need to do so; Whereas, he will need to be in command in Massachusetts to Reorganize the Boston Camp, i hereby appont him Sgt. In Command; Whereas this Camp and I Recognize the New Outpost of the Old Greater Boston Camp No.119 until such time we can recognize No.119 as a restored Camp with Charter Intact. Yours in F,P, & H, Raymond W. LeMay III, Camp President Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168 Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
I hereby make an emergency appropriation of $43.08 from our Camp Bank Account for the purchase of a USWV Ballot Box for Camp Use; Found on E-Bay from the St.Petersburg,FL
USWV Auxillary No.8 Estate.
Purchased from the "Three Geckos" Auction House.
Mourning the Loss Of National Chief of Staff Ronald Coyler Pratt, PNP
Ronald Colyer Pratt, 95, of 44 Carousel Drive, Millbury, passed peacefully at home, after a wonderful life, on Friday, December 1st. His wife of 59 years, Zena, died in 2000. He leaves two daughters: “Marty” Moore and her husband, Bill of Millbury, with whom he lived, and Susan J. Pratt of Blackstone. He is also survived by two grandchildren, Jodi Lynn Walkonen of Millbury and John David Walkonen of Southbridge as well as a great-grandson, Justin Jay Walkonen.
Ronald was a Navy Veteran of WWII. He was a Mason and a Shriner, and was Past Nat’l President of United Spanish War Veterans. He was also the oldest active member North American Family Campers Association (belonging to ‘Squaw-No-Cook Chapter #30 and Bay Path #114) and loved to go camping with his family and friends.
At Ron’s request, there are no calling hours or service, and burial will be at the convenience of the family at the National Cemetery on Cape Cod.
Published in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette on 12/3/2006.
Mourning the Loss Of Hon. Member
Joseph F. Salmon Sr.
Joseph F. Salmon Sr., of Lansingburgh,
Died peacefully surrounded by his loving family on Thursday, September 7, 2006 at his residence after a short illness. Born in Troy, he was son of the late Hobart and Marcella Vallee Salmon and the devoted husband of Jacqueline Therrien Salmon of Lansingburgh. Mr. Salmon was a Korean War veteran of the U.S. Army and received the Purple Heart on February 6, 1953. He retired from the City of Troy Department of Public Works as a supervisor in 1990 after 42 years of faithful service. Joe was a member of the Veterans of Lansingburgh, the Purple Heart Club, the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and St. Augustine's Church in Lansingburgh. Survivors in addition in his wife include two sons, Joseph Salmon Jr. (Darcy) of Clifton Park and Gary Salmon (Faye) of Malta; two daughters, Jacqueline Lane (Tom) of Cropseyville and Sheila Salmon of West Sand Lake; sister, Mary Ross of Lansingburgh; nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Mr. Salmon was predeceased by his sister, Joan Blair. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. from St. Augustine's Church where the Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated. Friends are invited and may call at the Frank P. McDonald & Son Funeral Home, 870 Second Ave. (124th and 125th Streets) in Lansingburgh on Monday from 4 to 8 p.m. Interment will be in St. John's Cemetery in Troy.
August 14th, 2006: Camp Dues Increase
Dear Brothers and Candidates, With the raised Per Capita Tax at the past National Convention earlier this month and to bolster ourselves fianancially as a new camp. It has been decided by I your Camp President and Camp Vice President to Officially Raise Dues in the Camp from $7.00 to $13.00. Initiation Fee will remain at $10.00 This way we will have $10.00 coming in every year which is going directly into the Camp Bank Account. Any objections will be noted and regarded. Yours in F,P, & H, Raymond W. LeMay III, Camp President Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168 Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Camp President Raymond W. LeMay III,
has acquired for the Camp:
2 Guidon SSAWV Camp Flags and 2 Oak Poles w/2 Brass Spears
and a Camp Wreath for Ceremonies.
Bro. Camp Trustee Michael Popolizio will be Donating a
Camp Ledger and a Gavel.
Bro. Jerome "Jerry" Orton will be
Donating a Ballot Box with marbles.
The Following is a Wish List for the Camp:
If anyone is interested in making a donation:
The Camp would be grateful:
1. a Bible
2. an Altar Cloth
3. a National U.S. Flag w/pole
4. a Camp Flag w/pole
A Camp Flag Fund Has been started for our Goal of $500
to purchase our Camp Colors.
National Secretary, Rev. Henry L. Reinwald, and Past National President Passes. The passing of National Secretary Henry Reinwald on May 1st, 2006. The following is his obituary from the “Detroit Press”. Age 81, of Brownstown Twp., MI, passed peacefully May 1, 2006. Beloved husband of Berna M. Loving father of Henry E. (Candy), Berna R. (Michael) Brooks, and Johanna A. (Timothy) McGrath. Proud grandpa of seven. Great-grandpapa of six. Brother of Roseanne Conklin of New York City. Visitation Thursday 3-9 p.m. at the Trenton Chapel – Martenson Family of Funeral Homes, 3200 West Rd., Trenton, Veteran’s Memorial Service by the Downriver Honor Guard 7 p.m. Funeral Services Friday 10 a.m. at the funeral home. Interment at Great Lakes National Cemetery, Holly, MI, Friday 1 p.m. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to The Chapel of Four Chaplains, 1201 Constitution Ave., Philadelphia Naval Business Center, Bldg. 649, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19112
Camp News
On Veterans Day 2017 the Camp completed it’s latest project at the Cohoes Veterans Memorial Park in Cohoes, NY by commissioning and dedicating two monuments. One to SGT. Joseph Leonard and one to the USS Maine. The old Erie Canal stones were provided by the City of Cohoes and through the logistical assistance of the Cohoes Veterans Memorial Committee this grand project came to it’s fruition. Thanks also to Grethen-Cahrenger of Troy, NY and Bro. Tim Mabee for assistance in mounting.
Series 2017-2018
Brothers of the Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp #168, Sons of Spanish American War Veterans,
Thank you for placing your trust in me once again in electing me as your President.
I hereby order that, Douglass Mather “Tim” Mabee is hereby appointed Senior Vice President and Trustee 3 year
and I shall serve as Trustee 1 Year for the duration of the Camp calendar year.
So Ordered In Freedom, Patriotism and Humanity,
Adam W. Gaines, PCP, Camp President
Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp No. 168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Tuesday, February 26th, 2013
Series 2013-2014
Brothers of the Joseph Melvin Leonard Camp #168, Sons of Spanish American War Veterans,
I want to thank you for giving me the honor of being your Camp President for 2012-2013.
I hereby make the following Camp Officer appointments:
Judge Advocate/Inspector: Dan Meehan
Chaplain: Rev. LeRoy Lincoln
Historian: Ken Malcolm, PDP, PCP
Camp Graves-Monument Registration Officer: Jerome “Jerry” Orton
These Appointments to be assumed immediately.
If anyone would like to fill any of the other Camp Offices that are currently available feel free to let me know.
You mau email me at gaines_adam@hotmail.com
In Freedom, Patriotism, and Humanity,
Adam W. Gaines, PCP, Camp President
Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Congratulations to our New 2012 Camp President
Bro. Adam W. Gaines is Elected our 3rd Camp President for 2012-2013, Congratulations Bro. Gaines
Saturday, August 15th, 2009 Annual Camp Meeting
Bro. Daryl Verstreate Jr., Elected New Camp President for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011
Brothers Left to Right; Bro. Todd Shillington, Jim Blackwell, Elijah Monroe, and PCP Raymond LeMay
Camp President LeMay in his last act as President Unveils the Recovered USWV Plaque to the Camp
L-Bro. LeMay and Bro. Natl. Secretary O’Bryan at the 2009 National Convention, Fort Mitchell, KY
R-Past Camp President LeMay, Outgoing Past National President
hands over the Gavel to Bro. Downey as the New National President
Albany USWV Speech, May 3rd, 2009
L-Camp President LeMay, Color Bearer/Sgt. At Arms Blackwell and General National Guard
R-President LeMay Gives the Keynote Address on the USS Maine Memorial Monument
at the USWV Lot Albany,Ny at GraceLand Cemetery.
The temporary exhibit was Opened on February 15th, 2008
and was Closed on March 30th, 2008 at the Cohoes Riverspark Visitors Center at the Cohoes Music Hall.
The Exhibit is now Located PERMANENTLY at the Watervliet Historical Society Museum, Watervliet, NY.
Tuesday, July 17th, 2007
Camp Dues Increase;
Dear Brothers and Candidates,
With the need to bolster ourselves financially as a camp.
It has been decided by I your Camp President to Officially Raise Dues in the Camp from $13.00 to $15.00. Effective Immediately.
Initiation Fee will remain at $10.00.
I have also established this Date, our Camp Flag Fund to raise funds for the Purchase of our Camp Colors. As of this Date, the Camp has been able to raise amongst its members $70.00.
Yours in F, P, & H,
Raymond W. LeMay III, PCP, Camp President
Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Monday, March 12th, 2007
I do hereby recognize the New York City Outpost and its Sgt. in Command, Thomas Dunn as Camp Organizing Officer/President of the Newly instituted James J. Dunn Brooklyn Camp No.170 which was formally instituted at a camp organizing meeting in Brooklyn,NY
on the 8th of March of this year.
Yours in F,P, & H,
Raymond W. LeMay III, PCP, Camp President
Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
January 19th, 2007: Appointment and Creation of Camp Outpost
Dear Brothers,
In keeping with the Desire to Save the
Greater Boston Camp No.119, i issue this General Order No.2
this 19th Day of January, 2007.
Whereas, there is a need for a Re-Organizing Officer for the Old Camp, i hereby make the Emergency Appointment to the Camp of New Brother Sean Sweeney to the Office of Jr. Vice President.
Whereas there is a desire to reorganize the Camp,
and the immediate need to do so;
Whereas, he will need to be in command in Massachusetts to Reorganize the Boston Camp,
i hereby appont him Sgt. In Command;
Whereas this Camp and I Recognize the New Outpost of the
Old Greater Boston Camp No.119 until such time we can recognize No.119 as a restored Camp with Charter Intact.
Yours in F,P, & H,
Raymond W. LeMay III, Camp President
Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
Mourning the Loss Of National Chief of Staff
Ronald Coyler Pratt, PNP
Ronald Colyer Pratt, 95, of 44 Carousel Drive, Millbury, passed peacefully at home, after a wonderful life, on Friday, December 1st. His wife of 59 years, Zena, died in 2000. He leaves two daughters: “Marty” Moore and her husband, Bill of Millbury, with whom he lived, and Susan J. Pratt of Blackstone. He is also survived by two grandchildren, Jodi Lynn Walkonen of Millbury and John David Walkonen of Southbridge as well as a great-grandson, Justin Jay Walkonen.
Ronald was a Navy Veteran of WWII. He was a Mason and a Shriner, and was Past Nat’l President of United Spanish War Veterans. He was also the oldest active member North American Family Campers Association (belonging to ‘Squaw-No-Cook Chapter #30 and Bay Path #114) and loved to go camping with his family and friends.
At Ron’s request, there are no calling hours or service,
and burial will be at the convenience of the family at the National Cemetery on Cape Cod.
Published in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette on 12/3/2006.
August 14th, 2006: Camp Dues Increase
Dear Brothers and Candidates,
With the raised Per Capita Tax at the past National Convention earlier this month
and to bolster ourselves fianancially as a new camp.
It has been decided by I your Camp President and
Camp Vice President to Officially Raise Dues in the Camp from $7.00 to $13.00. Initiation Fee will remain at $10.00
This way we will have $10.00 coming in every year
which is going directly into the Camp Bank Account.
Any objections will be noted and regarded.
Yours in F,P, & H,
Raymond W. LeMay III, Camp President
Joseph Melvin Lenoard Camp #168
Sons of Spanish-American War Veterans
National Secretary, Rev. Henry L. Reinwald,
and Past National President Passes.
The passing of National Secretary Henry Reinwald
on May 1st, 2006.
The following is his obituary from the “Detroit Press”.
Age 81, of Brownstown Twp., MI, passed peacefully May 1, 2006. Beloved husband of Berna M. Loving father of Henry E. (Candy), Berna R. (Michael) Brooks, and Johanna A. (Timothy) McGrath. Proud grandpa of seven. Great-grandpapa of six. Brother of Roseanne Conklin of New York City. Visitation Thursday 3-9 p.m. at the Trenton Chapel – Martenson Family of Funeral Homes, 3200 West Rd., Trenton, Veteran’s Memorial Service by the Downriver Honor Guard 7 p.m. Funeral Services Friday 10 a.m. at the funeral home. Interment at Great Lakes National Cemetery, Holly, MI, Friday 1 p.m.
In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to The Chapel of Four Chaplains, 1201 Constitution Ave., Philadelphia Naval Business Center, Bldg. 649, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19112