The Day was almost lost due to the heavy rain, but we persevered and took up in the Cohoes Visitors Center the Cohoes Spindle City Historical Society Offices and made it into a true Charter Ceremony. Having been formally moved from Canal Square Park.
Charter Members; Brothers Harry Taylor, Michael Popolizio, John LaBarre, Fred LaBarre, and James LaBarre, and Camp President Raymond W. LeMay III came together to Cohoes to celebrate receiving our Charter and in signing.
(Bro. Harry G. Taylor Jr.(Real Son) Signs the Camp Charter as Camp President Raymond W. LeMay III looks on.)
Bro. John LaBarre, dressed in the uniform of the 71st NY and his small display of memorabilia of the regiment; we were honored to have him for the Day. We all joined with National Secretary Jonathan Schau who proclaimed “I now charter this Camp” after jokingly admitting, “It has been a while since this seal has been used” and with the old National Seal, Camp President LeMay assisted in pushing down sealing the Charter, and with Secretary Schau’s dashing Signature, it was done. We were very proud of the Recognition we received; as Far as from National and Dept of NY Sons Of Union Veterans of the Civil War, New York State Assembly, City of Cohoes, Spindle City Historical Society as well as the Cohoes Caretakers. We were Graced by the visit of the National Secretary of the Sons Of Union Veterans of the Civil War Mr. Michael S. Bennett, who became an Associate Member of the Camp that Day. Brothers participating in the Charter Ceremony received a limited mint 1 of 20 Charter Ceremony Souvenir Ribbons produced by the Hodges Badge Company of Newport, RI. At the conclusion of the Charter Ceremony, we all preceded to the Canal Square Park and Camp President LeMay and Secy Schau formally laid the Camp Wreath at the Hiker Monument; formally ending the Day’s Ceremony.
(Brothers From LtoR-Bro. Michael Popolizio,Bro.Harry Taylor,Bro.James Kelley, Bro.John LaBarre, and Camp President LeMay)
Following the ceremony, the camp moved to the E.T. Ruane Post of Cohoes American Legion to hold their 1st Camp Business Meeting. To complete the ceremony in days following; we found out that a photographer with the Albany Times Union had taken some photos; which you now see with this article. Photographs Courtesy of and Credited to Philip Kamrass, Albany Times Union.
1st Camp Business Meeting Minutes:
Sunday, August 27th, 2006
Ruane Post American Legion Office, Cohoes, NY
The Following Brothers were in Attendance: National Secretary SSAWV: Jonathan D. Schau Camp Organizing Officer: Raymond W. LeMay III Bro. Michael Popolizio Bro. Harry G. Taylor Jr. Bro. James E. LaBarre Bro. Frederick LaBarre Bro. John LaBarre
Guests Mr. James F. Kelley and Wife Bro. James LaBarre’s Wife and Child Mrs. Harry G. Taylor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray
A motion was made by Bro. Schau to nominate and elect and install officers for the Camp. The following Brothers were nominated for office: Camp President=Raymond W. LeMay III Camp Sr. Vice President- Gary P. Salmon Camp Secretary/Treasurer: Acting to be Michael Popolizio (Until the Office can be filled) Chaplain-Rev. LeRoy R. Lincoln Camp Graves Registration Officer: Edward A. Coyne Camp Monument Registration Officer-Jerome “Jerry” Orton Camp Trustees, Joseph F. Salmon Jr., Harry G. Taylor Jr. (Real Son), Michael Popolizio National Color Bearer-Harlow Gardenier (Natl. Sgt. At Arms) Sgt. At Arms- John E. LaBarre Bro. Popilizio motioned that the Brothers be nominated and confirmed by Vote of a show of hands. All officers were confirmed.
Discussion ensued regarding a proper meeting place, and it was motioned and carried that we meet at the Cohoes Public Library. With the same motion was an amendment to meet quarterly; every 3 months. Until our membership warrants meeting regularly. A motion was passed that we create a camp newsletter, “The Hiker” to be discussed further at next camp meeting. There was a general discussion of a Camp Flag Fund, it was agreed that one should be established, and warrants further discussion.
Applications: Mr. Michael Bennett was confirmed by the membership as an Associate Member, with the thanks of the camp. Mr. James Kelley was confirmed by the membership as a New Member. Pres. LeMay presented Membership Medals to Brothers LaBarre and Father Fred LaBarre, Bro. Taylor and Bro. Kelley.
It was agreed that our next meeting be held in conjunction with our 1st Maine Day Service. Camp President LeMay Thanked the guests and members for being present and with no further business and the hour late closed the meeting.
Gallery of Some Photos of the Day
Bro. Frederick LaBarre Signs The Charter, as Camp Pres. LeMay Looks On
The Podium Is Set at the Cohoes Visitors Center
Bro. James LaBarre and Daughter, With Camp Pres. LeMay with hand on the Completed Charter
L-Bro. James Kelley, R-Bro. John LaBarre
Bro. Harry Taylor; Real Son, Holding one of Leonard Camp’s Guidons
Brothers Meet at the Monument and Prepare to Lay the Camp Wreath
Camp Charter Ceremony
The Day was almost lost due to the heavy rain, but we persevered and took up in the Cohoes Visitors Center the Cohoes Spindle City Historical Society Offices and made it into a true Charter Ceremony. Having been formally moved from Canal Square Park.
Charter Members; Brothers Harry Taylor, Michael Popolizio, John LaBarre, Fred LaBarre, and James LaBarre, and Camp President Raymond W. LeMay III came together to Cohoes to celebrate receiving our Charter and in signing.
Bro. John LaBarre, dressed in the uniform of the 71st NY and his small display of memorabilia of the regiment;
we were honored to have him for the Day.
We all joined with National Secretary Jonathan Schau who proclaimed “I now charter this Camp” after jokingly admitting, “It has been a while since this seal has been used”
and with the old National Seal, Camp President LeMay assisted in pushing down sealing the Charter, and with Secretary Schau’s dashing Signature, it was done.
We were very proud of the Recognition we received; as Far as from National and Dept of NY Sons Of Union Veterans of the Civil War, New York State Assembly, City of Cohoes, Spindle City Historical Society as well as the Cohoes Caretakers.
We were Graced by the visit of the National Secretary of the Sons Of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Mr. Michael S. Bennett, who became an Associate Member of the Camp that Day.
Brothers participating in the Charter Ceremony received a limited mint 1 of 20 Charter Ceremony Souvenir Ribbons produced by the Hodges Badge Company of Newport, RI.
At the conclusion of the Charter Ceremony, we all preceded to the Canal Square Park
and Camp President LeMay and Secy Schau formally laid the Camp Wreath at the Hiker Monument; formally ending the Day’s Ceremony.
and Camp President LeMay)
Following the ceremony, the camp moved to the E.T. Ruane Post of Cohoes American Legion to hold their 1st Camp Business Meeting. To complete the ceremony in days following; we found out that a photographer with the Albany Times Union had taken some photos; which you now see with this article.
Photographs Courtesy of and Credited to Philip Kamrass, Albany Times Union.
The Following Brothers were in Attendance:
National Secretary SSAWV: Jonathan D. Schau
Camp Organizing Officer: Raymond W. LeMay III
Bro. Michael Popolizio
Bro. Harry G. Taylor Jr.
Bro. James E. LaBarre
Bro. Frederick LaBarre
Bro. John LaBarre
Mr. James F. Kelley and Wife
Bro. James LaBarre’s Wife and Child
Mrs. Harry G. Taylor Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray
A motion was made by Bro. Schau to nominate and elect and install officers for the Camp.
The following Brothers were nominated for office:
Camp President=Raymond W. LeMay III
Camp Sr. Vice President- Gary P. Salmon
Camp Secretary/Treasurer: Acting to be Michael Popolizio
(Until the Office can be filled)
Chaplain-Rev. LeRoy R. Lincoln
Camp Graves Registration Officer: Edward A. Coyne
Camp Monument Registration Officer-Jerome “Jerry” Orton
Camp Trustees, Joseph F. Salmon Jr., Harry G. Taylor Jr. (Real Son), Michael Popolizio
National Color Bearer-Harlow Gardenier (Natl. Sgt. At Arms)
Sgt. At Arms- John E. LaBarre
Bro. Popilizio motioned that the Brothers be nominated and confirmed by Vote of a show of hands.
All officers were confirmed.
Discussion ensued regarding a proper meeting place, and it was motioned and carried that we meet at the Cohoes Public Library.
With the same motion was an amendment to meet quarterly; every 3 months. Until our membership warrants meeting regularly.
A motion was passed that we create a camp newsletter, “The Hiker” to be discussed further at next camp meeting.
There was a general discussion of a Camp Flag Fund, it was agreed that one should be established, and warrants further discussion.
Mr. Michael Bennett was confirmed by the membership as an Associate Member, with the thanks of the camp.
Mr. James Kelley was confirmed by the membership as a New Member.
Pres. LeMay presented Membership Medals to Brothers LaBarre and Father Fred LaBarre, Bro. Taylor and Bro. Kelley.
It was agreed that our next meeting be held in conjunction with our 1st Maine Day Service.
Camp President LeMay Thanked the guests and members for being present and with no further business and the hour late closed the meeting.
as Camp Pres. LeMay Looks On
With Camp Pres. LeMay with hand on the Completed Charter
Holding one of Leonard Camp’s Guidons
Prepare to Lay the Camp Wreath